Of course this is true, on average, across very large populations. There are thankfully many women who DON'T think in this way (we are reading the words of one of them). And it's important to note that the gap between older and younger women re; wokeism is as great as that between men and women.
Wokeism is, especially, a young, white, liberal, female phenomenon. This is surely likely in part to relate to evolved characteristics. It's almost a heresy to say it these days, but gender is very probably NOT a 'social construct'. It is not simply the product of learned or socialised behaviour. It relates in part to very real biological differences between men and women.
Women, on average, display a particularly strong inclination towards self-protection (ultimately to protect the child), which is reflected in traits such as agreeableness and a susceptibility to social contagion - a self-protective herd instinct. This very acute female self-protection instinct is probably why 'feminism' exists at all. It is why it exists as a human psychological possibility. Women are also, on average, relatively high in negative emotion which - in turn - induces self-protective anxiety and risk aversion. The woke inclination towards 'equal shares' for the vulnerable (equality of group outcome, irrespective of merit) is also a particularly female (motherly) instinct.
I can remember Ben Shapiro saying that even HE is a Marxist at home! The problem is that what works well in relation to the nursery doesn't always scale up successfully to the adult public world.
But it's only fair to broaden this discussion beyond women. If men tend to realise the error in all this, and men are not generally as 'woke' as women, then why aren't they doing anything about it?
To me, men are, in practice, just as complicit in the woke phenomenon as women are - precisely BECAUSE so many women are attracted to it. Men tend, in practice, either to offer direct support for it or else tend to do very little to challenge the women who hold strongly to this view.
Why? The answer probably also relates to evolved characteristics, in this case male ones which tend to reflect a general positivity and protectiveness towards women (i.e. an OUT-group protective instinct rather than an IN-group one - probably for the same evolutionary reasons, to protect the child). Last year, a chemical in female tears was found to reduce male aggression. That is a natural proof, and a reflection, of the tendency in men to think and act positively and protectively towards women. It is actually hard for men seriously to challenge women; they are much more likely to offer support for them, and to defer moral authority to them.
The complementary nature of men and women, which sustains our population, can thus, in very particular circumstances, work to conspire against us. We can become each others worst enemies, descending into a self-perpetuating socially destructive wokeism like a dog chasing its own tail!
It's rather a cliche, but the first 'woke' feminist narrative in Scripture is the Serpent flattering and exploiting Eve. God isn't telling you to abstain from eating the fruit of the tree for YOUR benefit, he informs her. He's doing so for HIS benefit. It's to stop you from becoming like him. But YOU are every bit as good as he is. Eat, and realise your own full potential - sister! And so she ate. But where was Adam in all of this? He just sat there and went along with it - because it's her.
It's not just young women who need to 'wake up' and pull us all out of this mess. It's also men. And to do it, we need to recognise once more the innate complementary differences between us, and how, in certain circumstances, these can be exploited and turned against us by a bad faith Serpent.
Wokeism is a Serpent of our times.
And the reason older women have not succumbed to him is that he wasn't in their schoolrooms.
I think you make a very valid point that men instinctively, almost genetically, do not like to challenge women. This creates a peculiar dynamic in the workplace, where women often get their way even when they're making proposals that don't particularly make sense, or that are even potentially unfair. So, the workplace becomes more feminine not just as a symptom of there being more women but because of how men, contrary to feminist stereotype, typically defer to women. To a point, this can be positive, but when young women are also radically Woke it can lead to the complete ruination of the working environment. As in a marriage, it is the blend of masculine and feminine virtues that makes things work at work. But are men in the workplace truly allowed to challenge their female colleagues as they do (or should do) their wives? Or is that simply toxic behaviour? At least when it's just men you can, basically, say what you want.
Yes, I've seen this in the NHS. Male consultants becoming very wary of challenging female nurses because he doesn't want to be seen as too macho or sexist. But we actually need his authority & leadership etc..
Yes, if there’s one thing males are really afraid of, it’s challenging female nurses due to their self-awareness.
It’s not like there’s literally a cross-dressing male who has no problem with forcing women to undress in front of him, and they’re having a tribunal right now.
Amy, I think you live in a dream world where you’re desperate to make excuses for men who hate you. That causes all sorts of breaks with reality.
Yes, it's only really in the last 40 years or so we have encountered these sorts of issues in the public sphere. We need to recognise the issues and resolve them in a way that doesn't demonise men for being men (by that I mean valuable competitive instincts etc) and also that doesn't seek to turn back the clock re: the role of women in society. It should be possible...for grown-ups....to do this. But they seem in short supply in key positions of late.
Indeed. I can recommend reading a book by Nancy Pearcey called The Toxic War on Masculinity. She puts a very helpful historical perspective on things, showing how prior to the industrial revolution there was a much greater integration between family life and work, which in turn affected how we perceived the roles of men and women. The idea of men going out to work and women staying home to do the cleaning is a very weird modern invention, as it turns out.
Yes, back in the good ol' days of chivalry when men could legally marry 11 year olds and beat their wives bc it wasn't a crime, things were so great for them!
Let's go even further when men could burn women at the stake and then take their property.
All this, and you still won't get Tinder matches lol
That was a really good read, thanks. It echoes a lot of my own thinking, for example in relation to women's participation in church. My wife struggles with this, but my perception is that when women start having a public voice in church the whole dynamic changes and men become less likely to participate. Which is the worst thing of all for the future welfare of the church. You may not even go to church, but you can perhaps appreciate the analogy. We either acknowledge and adapt to the real differences between men and women or we had better get used to (increasing) chaos. It's not a matter of prejudice, in my view, to say that men are better left in charge of things. It's a matter of common survival.
Well that interesting, that men hate women so much the moment they get involved in something that they literally run away.
Why should any women want to be around men if that's the case? This is why women are leaving the church. There is no point in serving or being around males who hate you.
You want to know why birth rates and marriage rates are dropping? This is why.
Women are under no obligation to reproduce or be around men who hate them. We've figured it out, and there's no going back.
And men will destroy everything they touch. Men in charge of things? Really?
Go talk to the Taliban. Tell them how great they are in charge of things.
I think everyone is so petrified to speak honestly about male behavior and male violence that they’re literally living in a dream world where they invent actual lies that are so disconnected from reality that you’re living in a dream world.
I don’t care you can’t get Tinder matches. Men think women “dominate” conversations when they speak 30% of the time. Men had no problem keeping women out of almost all powerful positions for centuries.
You are simply lying to yourself because telling the truth about male behavior destroys the lies you live in. Stop it. Nobody with a basic understanding of reality would fall for this. It’s idiotic.
The link is to an article that cites a report done by an economic policy think-tank in conjunction with...wait for it... the WEF on how female leaders responded more effectively to COVID. So Jacinda Ardern's tyrannical "the govt is your sole source of truth" response was effective? That must be why she leapt out of office before being flung out.
Mike Buchanan has a very good talk on YouTube on "women's negative impacts on organisational performance". It's a great listen. I also have a copy of his book " The Glass Ceiling Delusion", which I can't wait to read.
No, I'm not delusional and, whatever you may think, it's not about power. Male violence is real, of course. You could say it's part and parcel of masculinity. But did you know that married women are roughly three times less likely to suffer physical abuse than in any other type of circumstance? And that woman in unmarried partnerships are much more likely to harm their children than men? I've also noticed that women have other, special ways of hurting people. You know, like telling them they're delusional and idiotic and such. Or referring to them as 'you people'. You know the sort of thing.
Males are violent because they are crazy and lack self-awareness, so yes, that's part of being an irrational man. This is why women avoid men, and men deserve it.
The most dangerous place for a woman to be is in a home around males that she knows. Far more dangerous than any workplace.
Thanks for a glimpse into the insane male mind--a woman saying no is worse than a man who commits murder.
This is the point I make--men think a woman who refuses their irrational nonsense is worse than a man who literally commits murder.
I wonder . This comment above may very well be the perfect example & live demonstration of the type of people the author of this article is writing about. Dear commentor , do you happen to have a mirror perchance?
I gave a summary -- men are starting of opting out of even bothering with 'woke' / feminist / left-wing women. It was a thankless task even back when I bothered trying to find compromise and common ground. There isn't any.
The left are parasites and locusts that devour and destroy everything they touch. Always. I just got old and wise and experienced enough that I stopped trying to believe otherwise. Frankly, good on the young men for seeing the deranged psychosis of the left long before I did (although it's a LOT more obvious these days).
It's easy to blame the left, but woke did more damage during Trump's first term than Obama's second, and our corporate overlords would never have gone along with it if it only benefitted communists.
Well that was hardly Trump's mandate. Most of the blatant pandering started in 2020 with the BLM riots. Doesn't cost them much to put up a banner and yak a bit. And based on Zerohedge's figures, we lost a net ~800k native born workers during Biden's tenure, all replaced with foreign-born. How's that on Trump?
The absolute worst peak of the DEI, trans, etc. stuff was under Biden who was probably coercing the corporations sonlmehow. Other than getting more wage-slave H1B's, many only seemed to alienate their core customers for the past 4 years, and many took a hit for it. If they wanted the awards and recognition and free pass they had to play ball. It's not happening under Trump so outside of academia and left wing governments/NGOs, we're suddenly seeing a lot less of it.
I didn't say beating Woke was Trump's mandate, but BEING Woke wasn't Obama's or Biden's mandate either.
> the blatant pandering started in 2020 with the BLM riots
What blatant pandering? What exactly started happening in 2020? And why didn’t Trump do anything to stop it? It's not like he could have avoided knowing about the pronouns-in-business-correspondence craze.
Now, obviously we all know Biden's term is when Woke jumped the shark. But Laci Green published her red-pill video (purple, really, but still HUGE for her) in May 2017, barely past the 90-day mark for Trump 45 (https://youtu.be/nQ1ga8yuM50?si=iGHpRu94Sxx2ai-d). That’s when the fracture in the Left became undeniable public knowledge—nearly eight years ago. Unless, of course, you're a total Trumptard, in which case you were completely checked out on the entire issue until Fox News told you what to believe about a year and a half ago. So you don’t realize that Woke got big and bothersome because of trans, and trans got big because the wealthy elites decided it should. There has never been anything “leftist” about transgenderism: it's all based on classic right-wing stereotypes about what “real men” and “real women” should and shouldn't be like. Half of these kids who are trans have right wing parents who can't accept that kid is gay so they try to make them the opposite sex so they won't be gay anymore (just like they do in Iran!). This is what happens when doctors abandon ethics for profit and parents abandon unconditional love for Bedroom Police badges... what could be more Republican than that?
What broke Woke was the delusional overreach of the trans movement, which (newsflash) began as a strictly out-of-pocket experimental plastic surgery fad for insanely wealthy insane people like Bruce Jenner, who is a Republican. We have not even come close to seeing the true reckoning yet, but when it comes, it has the potential to destroy the for-profit medical model forever. When Americans realize what the insurance companies, hospitals, medical journals/associations and gender clinics have been up to, Luigi Mangioni will stand a decent chance of being elected president.
I don't need Andrew Tate. Nor would I want what little I know about his "teachings." I'm happily married for over a decade.
Yet I stand by it: most of the useless but arrogant trash I've ever experienced came from the left.
I'm sure there are a bunch of gamer stoner losers out there too. I was never one of them (well, games, but tabletop, and the wife and kids can play with us).
Also, so what about Tinder? Plenty of other things like Bumble or whatever. Men will always outnumber women on dating apps. It has been that way for 20+ years.
You must just be one of the deranged pyschos who wants a six foot plus, 200k+/year piggy bank to milk. But they're under 3% of the population (spread out, so less than 1% wherever you live that isn't NYC or LA), and they'll almost never want an overbearing, narcissisticm self-overrated woman who has those as demands (not permanently, anyway, but you might get a lay out of it if they're bored).
Hey, look, I can make assumptions about strangers on the internet, too! :P
Thanks for sharing. Yes, men have stood by rather feebly as their wives and daughters drift to the left. Maybe the women were always in charge and nothing has changed?
Kat, first try to consider for a moment that I am not a delusional man who hates you. I can assure you that I am not and I don't.
Mine is very clearly, I hope, not a comment of someone who hates women. The main point of my contribution is to argue that women and men alike are responsible for wokeism and that women and men alike must work together to resist it.
I actually feel genuinely sorry for you and I apologise if that comes across as patronising. I really don't intend it like that. But look what all this is doing to you.
Much of my comment relates to innate differences between men and women. Those differences have nothing to do with woke.
Your extreme protectiveness of women, and your obvious display of a degree of negative emotion here, is indicative of some of those differences.
That is again nothing to do with woke.
A woman (OR a man - note that the same tendency is typical in both) being hyper-sensitive to female suffering and comparatively indifferent to male suffering is also not woke.
So what IS woke??
Being hyper-sensitive to female suffering AND also being actively and collectively hostile towards 'men' IS very typical of wokeism. It is the result of a bad faith ideological manipulation of your natural self-protective biological instincts and psychology. It is the work of the Serpent.
Wokeism is best understood as a quasi-religious, faith-based "creed". It contends that an invisible grid of power relationships separates us (very neatly - most convenient that!) along group identity lines, with some groups apparently being the perpetually unfair beneficiaries of this, often CONSCIOUSLY so, and others it's perpetual 'victims'.
This grid allegedly operates most strongly along the lines of:
The state of being 'woke' (hallelujah!) is the state of being able to 'see' this grid and of committing oneself to its destruction - whether that's expressed in terms of smashing 'the patriarchy' (this alleged power grid in relation to sex), 'whiteness' (the grid in relation to race), 'cis-gender normativity' (the grid in relation to 'gender identity'), or ALL of these elements together etc. etc.
What makes this a quasi-religious belief system is that the existence of this grid cannot ever be proved or falsified. A belief in the 'patriarchy' is like a belief in God.
Wokeism thus encourages PERPETUAL social division, and legitimises in particular the collective sacralization of groups it presents as unfair 'victims', and the collective demonization of those it smears as 'perpetrators' and 'beneficiaries' of their suffering.
This resonates most deeply and most powerfully in relation to sex in our country, precisely because of our strong natural instinct to sacralise and protect women.
Wokeism tends to overlay, exploit and corrupt such innate vulnerabilities. It's very devious and manipulative - like the Serpent!
But it is a lie. There simply is no 'patriarchy', for example, if that is taken to mean some kind of collective male 'brotherhood' that selfishly bonds together to advance it's own interests at the expense of women, even to the point of hurting and harming women.
As a general characteristic of 'men', the polar opposite of that is true. You have been lied to, quite deliberately. The ID-based propaganda message repeatedly fed us under a woke establishment is this one...
Women - amplified as victims and bringers of social good; erased as perpetrators of harm and bearers of unearned privilege.
Men - the reverse: erased as victims and bringers of social good; amplified as perpetrators of harm (especially to women) and bearers of unearned privilege.
In the light of this, given that you are so especially - and so rightly- concerned about women's safety, is it any surprise that you can be so easily turned against "men"??
THAT is wokeism.
It is also made possible because you (and I) have no innate predisposition to 'protect' men. There is no natural 'brake' or 'inhibitor' to the demonization of men.
This is what I mean when I say that it is like a dog chasing its own tail. Once it starts, there is very little to stop it, and both women and men can become each other's worst enemies, encouraging it to continue.
And now simply swap POC for women and white people for men in the above, and recognise that exactly the SAME propaganda messaging is put out in relation to race. That is ALSO a lie. But once it gets foothold at the weakest point, it migrates laterally. Women are especially prone to accept it again, and, once they have done so, men are again inclined not to challenge it.
It of course TRIED to so the same thing with regard to trans people as 'victims' and cis-gender people as privileged 'oppressors'.
But that is failing in the UK. Why? Because it HARMS women and thus goes against the instinct to protect women. For once, wokeism is misaligned with natural human instinct.
Who is doing this? NO single group. The Serpent works many people at once. E.g. -
1) what I call 'care bears' who are attracted by the 'be kind', 'protective' and 'inclusive' rhetoric, but fail to see that it actually leads to the opposite of these things;
2) 'woke expedients' - various actors who are making a lot of money out of encouraging it, from DEI officers to woke corporations;
3) 'single-issue ideologues' - e.g. anti-white racists, anti-male radical feminists. Wokeism is the ultimate justification mechanism for their prejudice. One can express one's anti-male hatred and discrimination with alacrity now - one might ask just where is this 'patriarchy' when we need it, eh?? (clue: it doesn't exist Kat).
4) Perhaps most dangerously, those at the very top who have a vested interest in encouraging national "divide and rule", "disorientation" and "demoralisation" in the wake of Brexit and Trump 1.0 post 2016. Wokeism was, arguably, suddenly very useful to some very powerful people post-2016.
If true, that would illustrate the scale of the falsehood underpinning all of this. Another reaction to 2016 national populism has been the encouragement of colossal levels of mass immigration - right across the West. Once there no longer is a coherent, rooted national population, then national populism, by definition, ceases to exist.
As Amy's recent documentary illustrates so well, there is arguably nothing more HARMFUL to women and girls than this. So much for putting women first eh? Those responsible for 4) above, arguably have very different true colours and motives to those they pretend to have.
How can an establishment promote a strategy to reduce 'Violence Against Women and Girls' and yet at the same time do this to them?
Kat - there is almost certainly far more that connects us, than divides us. British men do not hate women (quite the opposite) and we are far better off UNITING in the interests of our nation, than in continuing to let this evil Serpent divide us.
Bradley, that was truly an outstanding elucidation of the whole matter! I'm glad there are people able to understand and express these things so well. It is so very much needed in our needlessly divided society.
"Woke" is whatever--during BLM nobody dare say a word about it.
Now after October 7, it's open season on whatever the money is going to. Being anti-Israel is woke, next week it'll be something else. The ADL decides what's acceptable.
Being hypersensitive to female suffering? While there are male rapists in women’s prisons?
You’re literally delusional.
You spent thousands of words on nothing to say nothing.
Tell girls in Afghanistan that there is no patriarchy, tell women in Texas dying from infection from miscarriages, which explains why you’re not at fault for being undateable. LOL “sacrilize” idiot.
Kat - be careful. If you try to engage in reasoned argument, based upon evidence, you might well end up disappointed. Everything depends upon where your (and my) start point is.
I, personally, am very happy to be persuaded - but only on the basis of sound reasoned argument and evidence.
Bigotry is the zealous holding onto prejudiced views and options, even in the face of obvious contradictory argument or evidence. By definition, it is impossible to reason with a bigot.
I am not a bigot. Can you honestly say the same??
The acid test is this. I see some potential validity in your comments. Specifically, how the term 'woke' is often (mis)applied and the notion of 'patriarchy' in other societies, compared to our own (I am assuming you are a British woman).
Male rapists in female prisons....(that is appalling - Kat I cannot tell you how much I agree with you on that - this is a commonality between us! But this is being reversed - and I would say to you that the very reason for that is precisely what I have tried to explain).
My test for you is this...
What is of potential validity in my comment? What do you and I agree on Kat?
Is there anything at all of validity (or potential validity) in what I have said?
If so, what is it?
I am always prepared to debate with genuine truth seekers.
Wokeism is a warped extension of the Marxist way of seeing everything in terms of oppressor and oppressed, a warped extension of the anti- capitalist mentality described by Ludwig von Mises. It's a coalition of rad fem manhaters, trans activists, race activists, anti West grievance screamers, eco activists, disability activists...whatever group can set themselves up as putative victims of the capitalist patriarchy boogieman.
The interviews with Deborah Powney and Erin Pizzey on the Hear the Truth YouTube channel are very eye opening about women's domestic violence against men, the domestic violence industrial complex and the disgusting antics of feminists in general. Here's a link to one:
This lie from worthless males is what makes me the angriest. I'm going to put you in your place now, and you're going to regret trying this.
Males commit the vast majority of ALL violent crimes--homicide, rape, robbery, assault.
Now you're trying to claim, that behind closed doors, women have overcome their 5 inch height deficit, 50 pound weight deficit against males, and they're just attacking these poor, sad innocent little male babies? These men aren't dying, they aren't going to the hospital, they aren't showing up in public with bruises--they're just sad, suffering in silence? This is after thousands of years of male violence, legal documentation of that, and countries like Afghanistan which does this openly?
Is that what's happening in Afghanistan? Men are being brutalized behind closed doors bc women are just as bad?
Fuck you. You're a worthless piece of shit, I'm glad you're lonely, and you will die alone.
Male violence ruins women's lives, it's not something to lie about on the internet so you can feel better about the fact that you're ugly, unfuckable, and can't get Tinder matches. And any women who goes along with it is a moron, like you.
Men should be ashamed of themselves. You have no shame.
Way back when this shift started, of pushing women into the professional career path (they were pushed into 'sexy' careers, not garbage collection or roofing) I recall stats showing high rates of alcoholism among these high flying professional women. If it's such a great life, then why the need to inebriate yourself every day?
Another point: as a woman wrote in her book back in the 80's (can't recall the name, might have been F. Carolyn Graglia's book) they were feminizing careers that did not need feminizing. I.e. there is a need for femininity in life, equally as much as masculinity. *But not in every aspect of life.* The end-result is a downgrade to those professions ("diversity is our strength" has no objective support).
Yes, I see this a lot. Women try to succeed in masculine professions and then complain that those professions are too 'toxic', tough or cutthroat. They then want the whole essence of the profession to change.
If wanting to not be sexually harassed and demeaned constantly by males throughout the day is wanting the essence of a profession to change, what does that say about male behavior?
Asking males to not be disgusting is asking for too much? They should be allowed to act however they want bc they successfully kept women out of the top professions due to their desire to subjugate for so long?
This isn’t going to work, Amy. You’re losing this battle, and I think you know it.
Even back in the 70's, women could have started their own businesses and hired nothing but women. But that never happened. It was clear women wanted to be part of "man's world," which showed it was about much more than just the job.
Women have started tons of their own businesses, and in face they start the majority of small businesses.
That doesn't mean some women don't want to work in larger companies, and they should have the right to without disgusting male pigs destroying their lives.
Shut up and go play video games, you unfuckable loser.
Men can do whatever they want. Nobody forces them to do anything.
You admit it's true, then act like men are forced to do it. If they're so strong, then that proves what you said incorrect. They're not strong. Men are weak.
As for mental illness among young women on the left, I believe the figures are skewed by the fact that it is FASHIONABLE to declare one or more mental illnesses or syndromes, a reification of the challenges and difficulties we all face.
I work at a college where 80% of the staff are women and I see this everyday. There is a huge divide in the happiness of the married ones with children versus those without.
The women who are married with kids are, in actuality, single moms. They do everything, and eventually they snap and file for divorce bc their husbands are dead weight.
Yes, women should get married and have babies and stay home. Then they will be happy like they used to be.
Are you serious? Who gives you the authority to determine what does and doesn’t make a woman happy? Why do you even think you are in a position to make that assertion about all women?
It's because men are failing, so the only way to help these losers is to create an artificial state where women are forced to act against their own self-interest to cater to male stupidity.
There is no other way to ensure men don't act like fucking idiots.
If you're desperate enough for cool girl points from worthless men, it's what you have to do.
Amy, thank you for having the courage to write this article. It is a disturbing trend that many women would prefer to ignore but it is very real and needs to be addressed. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen much commentary around the spiritual aspects of this issue. The search for meaning and purpose in life has driven both men and women to self-destructive behaviours, which inevitably lead to depression. I don’t believe anyone, male or female, can have true joy unless their life aligns with God’s will for us. Curious to hear your thoughts on this.
Nobody suffers more at the hands of woke women and the consequences of their actions than rational, non-woke women. The latter are essentially punished twice: once for having to live in an unhealthy, unsuitable and often dangerous environment as a result of woke policies and norms, and twice for being ostracized when the woke, often in a position of influence, turn their group on them for daring to deviate or speak up.
The main problem with modern Western males in one word - COWARDICE. You see it in so many different contexts.
Males are dropping the ball caring for women by shrinking from the man-hating radical feminist wokeists.
The problem with males is the idiocy of their biological hormonal drive to have sex with women causing them to not directly confront the radical feminist woke enemy for fear it might lead to fewer opportunities for pets. It is that stupid "happy life, happy wife" type of thinking. Basically let her rage insanity and disordered emotional behavior just to get along.
They don't want that label of misogynist... it will harm their social media profile.
The problem is the long-term consequence is more raging insanity and disordered emotional behavior.
Men need to fight the gender wars by calling out the raging insanity and disordered emotional behavior.
Not at all. What you call cowardice is actually wisdom: the wisdom not to try to help those who actively refuse your help and ultimately prefer to suffer and blame you for it.
Not really. Women are the selectors and men men do what it takes to get sexual relationships from women. Men are doing what it takes to get those sexual relationships. Man are pandering to women. If women were to select for honesty and good character in men, we would see a vastly different society than we have now
Ooooft. I share this concern…. Many women in my life are turning 40 this year, unmarried, childless, and stuck in unfulfilling relationships with men who neither support nor provide for them. I can see how progressive ideology has played a role in shaping these outcomes. Thank you for writing this. 🤍
If men are such naturally rational protector-providers, how is this happening so much? How can ideology force men to be something they aren’t if it so ingrained in them?
I think we have to be honest - if there’s such a thing as toxic masculinity then this phenomenon right now is most certainly toxic femininity. That doesn’t mean it only affects women, many men display behaviours that can be seen as toxically feminine. Not that I believe it’s about blame, but we need to diagnose the situation properly to find a relative and practical solution so we can fix what has went so terribly wrong and root out these negative behaviours.
The political left and right seem to be bifurcating into the male and female wings of the political spectrum. We need both, we need a coming together somewhere in the middle, we need unity, not extremism.
Boom! Truth sets you free. Women should NOT seek to compete with men, they should seek to COOPERATE with men. Just as GOOD men have always cooperated with each other for centuries in the workplace. The left who have no clue how to create wealth, have always thought wrongly that wealth is built via competition. They are totally wrong. Anyone who has built a successful business knows it requires cooperation and trust. It is that simple. Everything the left touches.....
A really helpful article, thanks Amy. There's a paradox, I think, that the more an environment becomes feminised the less essentially helpful it is to women. Feminism has taught women to think of themselves as independent creatures, but the truth is that neither men nor women are independent of each other. Even if you don't get married, the one still fundamentally needs the influence of the other. As Steven Covey said in his 7 Habits, we need to 'value the difference', and that applies to both men and women.
Great piece Amy. I think the social justice movement appeals to codependent types, and codependency is more prevalent in women than men. The natural ‘saviour/rescuer/helper’ instinct in women. It’s not being channelled into raising families so finds another outlet in ‘woke causes’.
Of course this is true, on average, across very large populations. There are thankfully many women who DON'T think in this way (we are reading the words of one of them). And it's important to note that the gap between older and younger women re; wokeism is as great as that between men and women.
Wokeism is, especially, a young, white, liberal, female phenomenon. This is surely likely in part to relate to evolved characteristics. It's almost a heresy to say it these days, but gender is very probably NOT a 'social construct'. It is not simply the product of learned or socialised behaviour. It relates in part to very real biological differences between men and women.
Women, on average, display a particularly strong inclination towards self-protection (ultimately to protect the child), which is reflected in traits such as agreeableness and a susceptibility to social contagion - a self-protective herd instinct. This very acute female self-protection instinct is probably why 'feminism' exists at all. It is why it exists as a human psychological possibility. Women are also, on average, relatively high in negative emotion which - in turn - induces self-protective anxiety and risk aversion. The woke inclination towards 'equal shares' for the vulnerable (equality of group outcome, irrespective of merit) is also a particularly female (motherly) instinct.
I can remember Ben Shapiro saying that even HE is a Marxist at home! The problem is that what works well in relation to the nursery doesn't always scale up successfully to the adult public world.
But it's only fair to broaden this discussion beyond women. If men tend to realise the error in all this, and men are not generally as 'woke' as women, then why aren't they doing anything about it?
To me, men are, in practice, just as complicit in the woke phenomenon as women are - precisely BECAUSE so many women are attracted to it. Men tend, in practice, either to offer direct support for it or else tend to do very little to challenge the women who hold strongly to this view.
Why? The answer probably also relates to evolved characteristics, in this case male ones which tend to reflect a general positivity and protectiveness towards women (i.e. an OUT-group protective instinct rather than an IN-group one - probably for the same evolutionary reasons, to protect the child). Last year, a chemical in female tears was found to reduce male aggression. That is a natural proof, and a reflection, of the tendency in men to think and act positively and protectively towards women. It is actually hard for men seriously to challenge women; they are much more likely to offer support for them, and to defer moral authority to them.
The complementary nature of men and women, which sustains our population, can thus, in very particular circumstances, work to conspire against us. We can become each others worst enemies, descending into a self-perpetuating socially destructive wokeism like a dog chasing its own tail!
It's rather a cliche, but the first 'woke' feminist narrative in Scripture is the Serpent flattering and exploiting Eve. God isn't telling you to abstain from eating the fruit of the tree for YOUR benefit, he informs her. He's doing so for HIS benefit. It's to stop you from becoming like him. But YOU are every bit as good as he is. Eat, and realise your own full potential - sister! And so she ate. But where was Adam in all of this? He just sat there and went along with it - because it's her.
It's not just young women who need to 'wake up' and pull us all out of this mess. It's also men. And to do it, we need to recognise once more the innate complementary differences between us, and how, in certain circumstances, these can be exploited and turned against us by a bad faith Serpent.
Wokeism is a Serpent of our times.
And the reason older women have not succumbed to him is that he wasn't in their schoolrooms.
Wow. Thanks for this. Excellent comment! Thinking if it in terms of Eve and the serpent is fascinating.
You are most welcome.
I think you make a very valid point that men instinctively, almost genetically, do not like to challenge women. This creates a peculiar dynamic in the workplace, where women often get their way even when they're making proposals that don't particularly make sense, or that are even potentially unfair. So, the workplace becomes more feminine not just as a symptom of there being more women but because of how men, contrary to feminist stereotype, typically defer to women. To a point, this can be positive, but when young women are also radically Woke it can lead to the complete ruination of the working environment. As in a marriage, it is the blend of masculine and feminine virtues that makes things work at work. But are men in the workplace truly allowed to challenge their female colleagues as they do (or should do) their wives? Or is that simply toxic behaviour? At least when it's just men you can, basically, say what you want.
Yes, I've seen this in the NHS. Male consultants becoming very wary of challenging female nurses because he doesn't want to be seen as too macho or sexist. But we actually need his authority & leadership etc..
Yes, if there’s one thing males are really afraid of, it’s challenging female nurses due to their self-awareness.
It’s not like there’s literally a cross-dressing male who has no problem with forcing women to undress in front of him, and they’re having a tribunal right now.
Amy, I think you live in a dream world where you’re desperate to make excuses for men who hate you. That causes all sorts of breaks with reality.
Well yeah he’s cross dressing as women have become unchallengeable, any criminal can take advantage of it by taking the garb of a woman.
As the culture has become feminised following feelings rather than logic women are covering for it rather than lose that privilege.
Yes, that's it. Culture becomes more "feminized," which leads to males acting stupid and everyone making excuses for male violence.
That's a masculinized culture, sweaty. That's the literal definition of it.
Male feelings are destroying society. That's what the Taliban is doing.
You idiots are literally allergic to self-awareness and accountability.
This is why men deserve everything bad that happens to them.
Yes, it's only really in the last 40 years or so we have encountered these sorts of issues in the public sphere. We need to recognise the issues and resolve them in a way that doesn't demonise men for being men (by that I mean valuable competitive instincts etc) and also that doesn't seek to turn back the clock re: the role of women in society. It should be possible...for grown-ups....to do this. But they seem in short supply in key positions of late.
Indeed. I can recommend reading a book by Nancy Pearcey called The Toxic War on Masculinity. She puts a very helpful historical perspective on things, showing how prior to the industrial revolution there was a much greater integration between family life and work, which in turn affected how we perceived the roles of men and women. The idea of men going out to work and women staying home to do the cleaning is a very weird modern invention, as it turns out.
Yes, back in the good ol' days of chivalry when men could legally marry 11 year olds and beat their wives bc it wasn't a crime, things were so great for them!
Let's go even further when men could burn women at the stake and then take their property.
All this, and you still won't get Tinder matches lol
Hanania said as much in his article on women's tears.
That was a really good read, thanks. It echoes a lot of my own thinking, for example in relation to women's participation in church. My wife struggles with this, but my perception is that when women start having a public voice in church the whole dynamic changes and men become less likely to participate. Which is the worst thing of all for the future welfare of the church. You may not even go to church, but you can perhaps appreciate the analogy. We either acknowledge and adapt to the real differences between men and women or we had better get used to (increasing) chaos. It's not a matter of prejudice, in my view, to say that men are better left in charge of things. It's a matter of common survival.
Well that interesting, that men hate women so much the moment they get involved in something that they literally run away.
Why should any women want to be around men if that's the case? This is why women are leaving the church. There is no point in serving or being around males who hate you.
You want to know why birth rates and marriage rates are dropping? This is why.
Women are under no obligation to reproduce or be around men who hate them. We've figured it out, and there's no going back.
And men will destroy everything they touch. Men in charge of things? Really?
Go talk to the Taliban. Tell them how great they are in charge of things.
LOL You're going to cite a troon chaser who obviously hates women. Richard is a closeted homosexual who is obviously being paid.
Women literally have to file lawsuits to keep male rapists out of women's prisons, do not speak to us about our tears.
Men don't give af about women or what causes us harm. That much is obvious. If that weren't true, the world would be a different place.
Are you people literally delusional?
No, seriously.
I think everyone is so petrified to speak honestly about male behavior and male violence that they’re literally living in a dream world where they invent actual lies that are so disconnected from reality that you’re living in a dream world.
I don’t care you can’t get Tinder matches. Men think women “dominate” conversations when they speak 30% of the time. Men had no problem keeping women out of almost all powerful positions for centuries.
You are simply lying to yourself because telling the truth about male behavior destroys the lies you live in. Stop it. Nobody with a basic understanding of reality would fall for this. It’s idiotic.
The link is to an article that cites a report done by an economic policy think-tank in conjunction with...wait for it... the WEF on how female leaders responded more effectively to COVID. So Jacinda Ardern's tyrannical "the govt is your sole source of truth" response was effective? That must be why she leapt out of office before being flung out.
Mike Buchanan has a very good talk on YouTube on "women's negative impacts on organisational performance". It's a great listen. I also have a copy of his book " The Glass Ceiling Delusion", which I can't wait to read.
You can't WAIT to read?
This is why males shouldn't be allowed to vote.
I don't care that nobody wants to fuck you.
You deserve it.
No, I'm not delusional and, whatever you may think, it's not about power. Male violence is real, of course. You could say it's part and parcel of masculinity. But did you know that married women are roughly three times less likely to suffer physical abuse than in any other type of circumstance? And that woman in unmarried partnerships are much more likely to harm their children than men? I've also noticed that women have other, special ways of hurting people. You know, like telling them they're delusional and idiotic and such. Or referring to them as 'you people'. You know the sort of thing.
You are delusional. All men are.
Males are violent because they are crazy and lack self-awareness, so yes, that's part of being an irrational man. This is why women avoid men, and men deserve it.
The most dangerous place for a woman to be is in a home around males that she knows. Far more dangerous than any workplace.
Thanks for a glimpse into the insane male mind--a woman saying no is worse than a man who commits murder.
This is the point I make--men think a woman who refuses their irrational nonsense is worse than a man who literally commits murder.
Good job.
I wonder . This comment above may very well be the perfect example & live demonstration of the type of people the author of this article is writing about. Dear commentor , do you happen to have a mirror perchance?
She is just a troll
Get back to your Ashley Madison account, sweaty
Your bitterness is very unattractive
Nobody gives af about attracting worthless males.
Go play video games.
I gave a summary -- men are starting of opting out of even bothering with 'woke' / feminist / left-wing women. It was a thankless task even back when I bothered trying to find compromise and common ground. There isn't any.
The left are parasites and locusts that devour and destroy everything they touch. Always. I just got old and wise and experienced enough that I stopped trying to believe otherwise. Frankly, good on the young men for seeing the deranged psychosis of the left long before I did (although it's a LOT more obvious these days).
It's easy to blame the left, but woke did more damage during Trump's first term than Obama's second, and our corporate overlords would never have gone along with it if it only benefitted communists.
Well that was hardly Trump's mandate. Most of the blatant pandering started in 2020 with the BLM riots. Doesn't cost them much to put up a banner and yak a bit. And based on Zerohedge's figures, we lost a net ~800k native born workers during Biden's tenure, all replaced with foreign-born. How's that on Trump?
The absolute worst peak of the DEI, trans, etc. stuff was under Biden who was probably coercing the corporations sonlmehow. Other than getting more wage-slave H1B's, many only seemed to alienate their core customers for the past 4 years, and many took a hit for it. If they wanted the awards and recognition and free pass they had to play ball. It's not happening under Trump so outside of academia and left wing governments/NGOs, we're suddenly seeing a lot less of it.
I didn't say beating Woke was Trump's mandate, but BEING Woke wasn't Obama's or Biden's mandate either.
> the blatant pandering started in 2020 with the BLM riots
What blatant pandering? What exactly started happening in 2020? And why didn’t Trump do anything to stop it? It's not like he could have avoided knowing about the pronouns-in-business-correspondence craze.
Now, obviously we all know Biden's term is when Woke jumped the shark. But Laci Green published her red-pill video (purple, really, but still HUGE for her) in May 2017, barely past the 90-day mark for Trump 45 (https://youtu.be/nQ1ga8yuM50?si=iGHpRu94Sxx2ai-d). That’s when the fracture in the Left became undeniable public knowledge—nearly eight years ago. Unless, of course, you're a total Trumptard, in which case you were completely checked out on the entire issue until Fox News told you what to believe about a year and a half ago. So you don’t realize that Woke got big and bothersome because of trans, and trans got big because the wealthy elites decided it should. There has never been anything “leftist” about transgenderism: it's all based on classic right-wing stereotypes about what “real men” and “real women” should and shouldn't be like. Half of these kids who are trans have right wing parents who can't accept that kid is gay so they try to make them the opposite sex so they won't be gay anymore (just like they do in Iran!). This is what happens when doctors abandon ethics for profit and parents abandon unconditional love for Bedroom Police badges... what could be more Republican than that?
What broke Woke was the delusional overreach of the trans movement, which (newsflash) began as a strictly out-of-pocket experimental plastic surgery fad for insanely wealthy insane people like Bruce Jenner, who is a Republican. We have not even come close to seeing the true reckoning yet, but when it comes, it has the potential to destroy the for-profit medical model forever. When Americans realize what the insurance companies, hospitals, medical journals/associations and gender clinics have been up to, Luigi Mangioni will stand a decent chance of being elected president.
Men aren't opting out of shit.
They're 80% of Tinder. Nobody wants useless male trash, and there's a reason everyone's talking about the male loneliness epidemic.
Go fap to Andrew Tate TikToks.
I don't need Andrew Tate. Nor would I want what little I know about his "teachings." I'm happily married for over a decade.
Yet I stand by it: most of the useless but arrogant trash I've ever experienced came from the left.
I'm sure there are a bunch of gamer stoner losers out there too. I was never one of them (well, games, but tabletop, and the wife and kids can play with us).
Also, so what about Tinder? Plenty of other things like Bumble or whatever. Men will always outnumber women on dating apps. It has been that way for 20+ years.
You must just be one of the deranged pyschos who wants a six foot plus, 200k+/year piggy bank to milk. But they're under 3% of the population (spread out, so less than 1% wherever you live that isn't NYC or LA), and they'll almost never want an overbearing, narcissisticm self-overrated woman who has those as demands (not permanently, anyway, but you might get a lay out of it if they're bored).
Hey, look, I can make assumptions about strangers on the internet, too! :P
Thanks for sharing. Yes, men have stood by rather feebly as their wives and daughters drift to the left. Maybe the women were always in charge and nothing has changed?
What is “wokeism”?
Define it. Who came up with it? Who funds it? What does it entail exactly?
Kat, first try to consider for a moment that I am not a delusional man who hates you. I can assure you that I am not and I don't.
Mine is very clearly, I hope, not a comment of someone who hates women. The main point of my contribution is to argue that women and men alike are responsible for wokeism and that women and men alike must work together to resist it.
I actually feel genuinely sorry for you and I apologise if that comes across as patronising. I really don't intend it like that. But look what all this is doing to you.
Much of my comment relates to innate differences between men and women. Those differences have nothing to do with woke.
Your extreme protectiveness of women, and your obvious display of a degree of negative emotion here, is indicative of some of those differences.
That is again nothing to do with woke.
A woman (OR a man - note that the same tendency is typical in both) being hyper-sensitive to female suffering and comparatively indifferent to male suffering is also not woke.
So what IS woke??
Being hyper-sensitive to female suffering AND also being actively and collectively hostile towards 'men' IS very typical of wokeism. It is the result of a bad faith ideological manipulation of your natural self-protective biological instincts and psychology. It is the work of the Serpent.
Wokeism is best understood as a quasi-religious, faith-based "creed". It contends that an invisible grid of power relationships separates us (very neatly - most convenient that!) along group identity lines, with some groups apparently being the perpetually unfair beneficiaries of this, often CONSCIOUSLY so, and others it's perpetual 'victims'.
This grid allegedly operates most strongly along the lines of:
The state of being 'woke' (hallelujah!) is the state of being able to 'see' this grid and of committing oneself to its destruction - whether that's expressed in terms of smashing 'the patriarchy' (this alleged power grid in relation to sex), 'whiteness' (the grid in relation to race), 'cis-gender normativity' (the grid in relation to 'gender identity'), or ALL of these elements together etc. etc.
What makes this a quasi-religious belief system is that the existence of this grid cannot ever be proved or falsified. A belief in the 'patriarchy' is like a belief in God.
Wokeism thus encourages PERPETUAL social division, and legitimises in particular the collective sacralization of groups it presents as unfair 'victims', and the collective demonization of those it smears as 'perpetrators' and 'beneficiaries' of their suffering.
This resonates most deeply and most powerfully in relation to sex in our country, precisely because of our strong natural instinct to sacralise and protect women.
Wokeism tends to overlay, exploit and corrupt such innate vulnerabilities. It's very devious and manipulative - like the Serpent!
But it is a lie. There simply is no 'patriarchy', for example, if that is taken to mean some kind of collective male 'brotherhood' that selfishly bonds together to advance it's own interests at the expense of women, even to the point of hurting and harming women.
As a general characteristic of 'men', the polar opposite of that is true. You have been lied to, quite deliberately. The ID-based propaganda message repeatedly fed us under a woke establishment is this one...
Women - amplified as victims and bringers of social good; erased as perpetrators of harm and bearers of unearned privilege.
Men - the reverse: erased as victims and bringers of social good; amplified as perpetrators of harm (especially to women) and bearers of unearned privilege.
In the light of this, given that you are so especially - and so rightly- concerned about women's safety, is it any surprise that you can be so easily turned against "men"??
THAT is wokeism.
It is also made possible because you (and I) have no innate predisposition to 'protect' men. There is no natural 'brake' or 'inhibitor' to the demonization of men.
This is what I mean when I say that it is like a dog chasing its own tail. Once it starts, there is very little to stop it, and both women and men can become each other's worst enemies, encouraging it to continue.
And now simply swap POC for women and white people for men in the above, and recognise that exactly the SAME propaganda messaging is put out in relation to race. That is ALSO a lie. But once it gets foothold at the weakest point, it migrates laterally. Women are especially prone to accept it again, and, once they have done so, men are again inclined not to challenge it.
It of course TRIED to so the same thing with regard to trans people as 'victims' and cis-gender people as privileged 'oppressors'.
But that is failing in the UK. Why? Because it HARMS women and thus goes against the instinct to protect women. For once, wokeism is misaligned with natural human instinct.
Who is doing this? NO single group. The Serpent works many people at once. E.g. -
1) what I call 'care bears' who are attracted by the 'be kind', 'protective' and 'inclusive' rhetoric, but fail to see that it actually leads to the opposite of these things;
2) 'woke expedients' - various actors who are making a lot of money out of encouraging it, from DEI officers to woke corporations;
3) 'single-issue ideologues' - e.g. anti-white racists, anti-male radical feminists. Wokeism is the ultimate justification mechanism for their prejudice. One can express one's anti-male hatred and discrimination with alacrity now - one might ask just where is this 'patriarchy' when we need it, eh?? (clue: it doesn't exist Kat).
4) Perhaps most dangerously, those at the very top who have a vested interest in encouraging national "divide and rule", "disorientation" and "demoralisation" in the wake of Brexit and Trump 1.0 post 2016. Wokeism was, arguably, suddenly very useful to some very powerful people post-2016.
If true, that would illustrate the scale of the falsehood underpinning all of this. Another reaction to 2016 national populism has been the encouragement of colossal levels of mass immigration - right across the West. Once there no longer is a coherent, rooted national population, then national populism, by definition, ceases to exist.
As Amy's recent documentary illustrates so well, there is arguably nothing more HARMFUL to women and girls than this. So much for putting women first eh? Those responsible for 4) above, arguably have very different true colours and motives to those they pretend to have.
How can an establishment promote a strategy to reduce 'Violence Against Women and Girls' and yet at the same time do this to them?
Kat - there is almost certainly far more that connects us, than divides us. British men do not hate women (quite the opposite) and we are far better off UNITING in the interests of our nation, than in continuing to let this evil Serpent divide us.
I hope you agree.
Thank you for that fantastic breakdown of wokeism and its harms.
Wow, all he had to do was spew thousands meaningless words to say nothing LMAO
Then we wonder why colleges have affirmative action for boys now
Bradley, that was truly an outstanding elucidation of the whole matter! I'm glad there are people able to understand and express these things so well. It is so very much needed in our needlessly divided society.
Male reading comprehension skills ftw
Look at the word salad you have to spew to rationalize your bullshit.
"Woke" is nothing. It means whatever anybody wants it to mean, based on the funding behind academia and media.
Males deserve suffering, and I hope you experience it.
Go talk to the Taliban and tell them how much men love women. Moron.
An argument so preposterous, I'll leave it to answer itself.
LOL preposterous?
"Woke" is whatever--during BLM nobody dare say a word about it.
Now after October 7, it's open season on whatever the money is going to. Being anti-Israel is woke, next week it'll be something else. The ADL decides what's acceptable.
Being hypersensitive to female suffering? While there are male rapists in women’s prisons?
You’re literally delusional.
You spent thousands of words on nothing to say nothing.
Tell girls in Afghanistan that there is no patriarchy, tell women in Texas dying from infection from miscarriages, which explains why you’re not at fault for being undateable. LOL “sacrilize” idiot.
Get a job.
Kat - be careful. If you try to engage in reasoned argument, based upon evidence, you might well end up disappointed. Everything depends upon where your (and my) start point is.
I, personally, am very happy to be persuaded - but only on the basis of sound reasoned argument and evidence.
Bigotry is the zealous holding onto prejudiced views and options, even in the face of obvious contradictory argument or evidence. By definition, it is impossible to reason with a bigot.
I am not a bigot. Can you honestly say the same??
The acid test is this. I see some potential validity in your comments. Specifically, how the term 'woke' is often (mis)applied and the notion of 'patriarchy' in other societies, compared to our own (I am assuming you are a British woman).
Male rapists in female prisons....(that is appalling - Kat I cannot tell you how much I agree with you on that - this is a commonality between us! But this is being reversed - and I would say to you that the very reason for that is precisely what I have tried to explain).
My test for you is this...
What is of potential validity in my comment? What do you and I agree on Kat?
Is there anything at all of validity (or potential validity) in what I have said?
If so, what is it?
I am always prepared to debate with genuine truth seekers.
Come back to me Kat....with an Olive Branch.
Wokeism is a warped extension of the Marxist way of seeing everything in terms of oppressor and oppressed, a warped extension of the anti- capitalist mentality described by Ludwig von Mises. It's a coalition of rad fem manhaters, trans activists, race activists, anti West grievance screamers, eco activists, disability activists...whatever group can set themselves up as putative victims of the capitalist patriarchy boogieman.
Look at this subtard. There is nothing worse than a low IQ male who thinks he's smart.
You should be in a coal mine.
Another great one Amy and thank you for not hating us men.
That's just cringe.
You deserve to be hated, and you know it.
Men hate women who make excuses for them even more because they know they don’t deserve excuses.
It doesn’t make sense because it’s the mentality of a child, which is what men have.
Who the hell are you, and with your attitude I'm guessing you're either divorced or a Lesbian which is why you hate men.
Wow, great logical/rational response. Men clearly don't run on emotion, specifically anger.
I hate men because I pay attention to the world, and they deserve it. Thanks for proving it.
He made a reasonable assumption.
You pay attention to the world in a narrow way in order to find excuses for your weakness of character.
The interviews with Deborah Powney and Erin Pizzey on the Hear the Truth YouTube channel are very eye opening about women's domestic violence against men, the domestic violence industrial complex and the disgusting antics of feminists in general. Here's a link to one:
This lie from worthless males is what makes me the angriest. I'm going to put you in your place now, and you're going to regret trying this.
Males commit the vast majority of ALL violent crimes--homicide, rape, robbery, assault.
Now you're trying to claim, that behind closed doors, women have overcome their 5 inch height deficit, 50 pound weight deficit against males, and they're just attacking these poor, sad innocent little male babies? These men aren't dying, they aren't going to the hospital, they aren't showing up in public with bruises--they're just sad, suffering in silence? This is after thousands of years of male violence, legal documentation of that, and countries like Afghanistan which does this openly?
Is that what's happening in Afghanistan? Men are being brutalized behind closed doors bc women are just as bad?
Fuck you. You're a worthless piece of shit, I'm glad you're lonely, and you will die alone.
Male violence ruins women's lives, it's not something to lie about on the internet so you can feel better about the fact that you're ugly, unfuckable, and can't get Tinder matches. And any women who goes along with it is a moron, like you.
Men should be ashamed of themselves. You have no shame.
Die alone, like you deserve.
What a horrible thing to say, Kat.
Way back when this shift started, of pushing women into the professional career path (they were pushed into 'sexy' careers, not garbage collection or roofing) I recall stats showing high rates of alcoholism among these high flying professional women. If it's such a great life, then why the need to inebriate yourself every day?
Another point: as a woman wrote in her book back in the 80's (can't recall the name, might have been F. Carolyn Graglia's book) they were feminizing careers that did not need feminizing. I.e. there is a need for femininity in life, equally as much as masculinity. *But not in every aspect of life.* The end-result is a downgrade to those professions ("diversity is our strength" has no objective support).
Yes, I see this a lot. Women try to succeed in masculine professions and then complain that those professions are too 'toxic', tough or cutthroat. They then want the whole essence of the profession to change.
If wanting to not be sexually harassed and demeaned constantly by males throughout the day is wanting the essence of a profession to change, what does that say about male behavior?
Asking males to not be disgusting is asking for too much? They should be allowed to act however they want bc they successfully kept women out of the top professions due to their desire to subjugate for so long?
This isn’t going to work, Amy. You’re losing this battle, and I think you know it.
Even back in the 70's, women could have started their own businesses and hired nothing but women. But that never happened. It was clear women wanted to be part of "man's world," which showed it was about much more than just the job.
Shut fuck up, Don.
Women have started tons of their own businesses, and in face they start the majority of small businesses.
That doesn't mean some women don't want to work in larger companies, and they should have the right to without disgusting male pigs destroying their lives.
Shut up and go play video games, you unfuckable loser.
Lovely comment. Have a nice day.
Males have much higher rates of alcoholism, including at higher levels of power.
Why are they drinking if their lives are so great? They should stay home bc they weren’t cut out for such positions then.
They probably would choose to do that, if they had the choice.
As the old saying goes, women have choices, men have responsibilities.
Yes, we know, there are many exceptions. That doesn't change the generalization, which is generally true.
Men can do whatever they want. Nobody forces them to do anything.
You admit it's true, then act like men are forced to do it. If they're so strong, then that proves what you said incorrect. They're not strong. Men are weak.
You idiots are irrational.
Shut the fuck up.
You clearly have personal issues going on.
As for mental illness among young women on the left, I believe the figures are skewed by the fact that it is FASHIONABLE to declare one or more mental illnesses or syndromes, a reification of the challenges and difficulties we all face.
I work at a college where 80% of the staff are women and I see this everyday. There is a huge divide in the happiness of the married ones with children versus those without.
Yes. When women get to a certain age and they are still single and working full time it makes them deeply unhappy and resentful.
I see the exact opposite.
The women who are married with kids are, in actuality, single moms. They do everything, and eventually they snap and file for divorce bc their husbands are dead weight.
It’s everywhere.
Yes, women should get married and have babies and stay home. Then they will be happy like they used to be.
Are you serious? Who gives you the authority to determine what does and doesn’t make a woman happy? Why do you even think you are in a position to make that assertion about all women?
It's because men are failing, so the only way to help these losers is to create an artificial state where women are forced to act against their own self-interest to cater to male stupidity.
There is no other way to ensure men don't act like fucking idiots.
If you're desperate enough for cool girl points from worthless men, it's what you have to do.
Woke also gives women a feeling of moral superiority. It's popular for the same reason Andrew Tate is among men.
No lies detected.
Except men are raping and running human trafficking rings as they insist they’re rational protector-providers.
Women have to fight for basic access to reproductive rights.
That’s the difference. Men destroy everything they touch.
Amy, thank you for having the courage to write this article. It is a disturbing trend that many women would prefer to ignore but it is very real and needs to be addressed. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen much commentary around the spiritual aspects of this issue. The search for meaning and purpose in life has driven both men and women to self-destructive behaviours, which inevitably lead to depression. I don’t believe anyone, male or female, can have true joy unless their life aligns with God’s will for us. Curious to hear your thoughts on this.
Males deserve to suffer, and I hope the male loneliness epidemic gets worse. They've earned it.
Nobody suffers more at the hands of woke women and the consequences of their actions than rational, non-woke women. The latter are essentially punished twice: once for having to live in an unhealthy, unsuitable and often dangerous environment as a result of woke policies and norms, and twice for being ostracized when the woke, often in a position of influence, turn their group on them for daring to deviate or speak up.
The main problem with modern Western males in one word - COWARDICE. You see it in so many different contexts.
Yes. Good point.
I had a feeling you'd understand. ;)
Males are dropping the ball caring for women by shrinking from the man-hating radical feminist wokeists.
The problem with males is the idiocy of their biological hormonal drive to have sex with women causing them to not directly confront the radical feminist woke enemy for fear it might lead to fewer opportunities for pets. It is that stupid "happy life, happy wife" type of thinking. Basically let her rage insanity and disordered emotional behavior just to get along.
They don't want that label of misogynist... it will harm their social media profile.
The problem is the long-term consequence is more raging insanity and disordered emotional behavior.
Men need to fight the gender wars by calling out the raging insanity and disordered emotional behavior.
That's my point exactly regarding the cowardice of modern men.
You won't call it cowardice when you get hit with false charges from your crazy ex.
Not at all. What you call cowardice is actually wisdom: the wisdom not to try to help those who actively refuse your help and ultimately prefer to suffer and blame you for it.
You should talk to the Taliban. They'd love your ideas on WOKE. LOL
You're a moron LOL
Go check your Tinder matches.
Only a moron like you would be using Tinder
I'm not on Tinder, it's the most used app though.
Are all of you brain-damaged? Why are so many dumb people attracted to making excuses for dumb males?
Not really. Women are the selectors and men men do what it takes to get sexual relationships from women. Men are doing what it takes to get those sexual relationships. Man are pandering to women. If women were to select for honesty and good character in men, we would see a vastly different society than we have now
That's why so many men are unfuckable and dying alone.
LOL "Honesty and good character"
Tell the Taliban about your ideas, sweaty
Ooooft. I share this concern…. Many women in my life are turning 40 this year, unmarried, childless, and stuck in unfulfilling relationships with men who neither support nor provide for them. I can see how progressive ideology has played a role in shaping these outcomes. Thank you for writing this. 🤍
Yes. Thank you!
If men are such naturally rational protector-providers, how is this happening so much? How can ideology force men to be something they aren’t if it so ingrained in them?
I think we have to be honest - if there’s such a thing as toxic masculinity then this phenomenon right now is most certainly toxic femininity. That doesn’t mean it only affects women, many men display behaviours that can be seen as toxically feminine. Not that I believe it’s about blame, but we need to diagnose the situation properly to find a relative and practical solution so we can fix what has went so terribly wrong and root out these negative behaviours.
The political left and right seem to be bifurcating into the male and female wings of the political spectrum. We need both, we need a coming together somewhere in the middle, we need unity, not extremism.
Boom! Truth sets you free. Women should NOT seek to compete with men, they should seek to COOPERATE with men. Just as GOOD men have always cooperated with each other for centuries in the workplace. The left who have no clue how to create wealth, have always thought wrongly that wealth is built via competition. They are totally wrong. Anyone who has built a successful business knows it requires cooperation and trust. It is that simple. Everything the left touches.....
You know what else requires cooperation and trust? Organized crime, also known as Reaganomics.
A really helpful article, thanks Amy. There's a paradox, I think, that the more an environment becomes feminised the less essentially helpful it is to women. Feminism has taught women to think of themselves as independent creatures, but the truth is that neither men nor women are independent of each other. Even if you don't get married, the one still fundamentally needs the influence of the other. As Steven Covey said in his 7 Habits, we need to 'value the difference', and that applies to both men and women.
Or…left wing women are more likely to seek mental health treatment than Conservatives. Not that they are more mentally unhealthy.
Great piece Amy. I think the social justice movement appeals to codependent types, and codependency is more prevalent in women than men. The natural ‘saviour/rescuer/helper’ instinct in women. It’s not being channelled into raising families so finds another outlet in ‘woke causes’.
Absolutely brilliant use of facts Amy. I'm a fan.